(Original rules from the 1890 edition)
Implements: Two sets of twelve men each, differently colored, one set for each player.

The Object of the game is to see who can avoid becoming the "Man in the Moon."
The Board represents a field of twenty-five squares, containting pictures of moons, the game being played on all the squares.

To Set Up the Board: Draw lots for first play. The first player then places one of his men on any space on the board, except the centre space.
The second player then places one of his men on any space on the board, excepting the centre space, and so on until the twenty-four men have been place, leaving the centre space empty.
The first player now moves one of his men to the centre space, which is really the only move he can make, all the other spaces being full. The second player then has his turn. When a player, by moving, catches the other player's man between two of is own, he captures it, and removes it from the board.
To Win: The player who succeeds in reducing his opponent to one man, wins the game. The single man left is the "Man in the Moon"
- A man may be captures only by a moving player.
- Men may be moved forward, backward, or sideways; in fact, in any direction except diagonally, this is, from corner to corner.
- When the men are being placed on the board, players frequently get men in between two men of another color, but these do not count as captures. Capturing does not begin until all twenty-for men are placed on the board, and the moving commences.
- If a player can get more than one man in a row, he captures them all, so long as there are no intervening blank spaces; but he may only capture those men which lie exactly between two of his own men.
- If at any time a player cannot move because his men are blocked, the other player must go on moving until the blockade is raised, enabling the blocked player to take his turn, when the play goes on as before. This rule also applies to the first move of the game.
Published by McLoughlin Bros, New York
Rules notes and rephrasing:
When a player flanks one or more opposing counters between two of his own, they are all captured as long as there are no intervening empty spaces.
If the players make 20 moves with any capture the game ends. The winner is the player with more counters on the board. If there's the same number of counters for each player there's a draw.