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Arrive first on the opposite corner. An insect carnage!

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Each insect moves to an adjacent cell space, orthogonal or diagonal, except when it's on its home zone. When on its departing zone it can only move orthogonally.


The cereals define the zones.

Starting BOARD

Kill an insect from the enemy army moving onto it.

A player wins by moving one of the insects to the opposite corner.

If all your insects are killed you lose the game.

Game designer: Copyright © 2001 W. D. Troyka
Credits ( Icons8 | )

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General Statistics:
  • 20 games played.
  • 20 victories and 0 draws.
  • 47 average movements per game ( max: 81, min: 23).
  • 12 victories by the first player vs 8 victories from another player.